More requests for pumpkins....{Contest closed...a year ago:)}
So, here are the instructions again! Yay for pumpkins! I just made some more to be auctioned off at a family reunion and thought it would be fun to give away a few here, too! So, leave a comment and you'll be entered in the drawing. Put a post on your blog with a link to the pumpkins and you'll receive another entry. I know TONS of church groups and sisters and friends have gotten together to make these cute little pumpkins. If you're the lucky winner - you'll receive a box of pumpkins, handsewn by moi.
I have been beside myself with utter and complete happiness as I wander through stores and see ALL of the fall decorations coming out. In fact, just this morning I was flipping through the mail and looking at some magazines with some fun Halloween stuff. I showed Brett and said, "Don't pumpkins just make you happy?" He doesn't quite share my enthusiasm for decorating. Ha! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year to decorate. Maybe it's because it's the beginning of my favorite time of the year - holidays, traditions, family time, happy memories. Maybe it's because the weather starts to cool down a bit and I can open my windows and enjoy the fresh air. Maybe it's because our neighborhood comes alive again as neighbors wander the streets, go on bike rides, and hang out in the front yard for hours chatting about life. Maybe I'm just looking forward to making harvest loaf cake, delicious soups, and homemade bread. Mmmm...yum! I must admit, it is hard for me to think of all this when it's still over 100 degrees outside. But, I'm getting so excited to decorate that I can hardly stand it! So, since I've been asked (probably at least about 50 times) to post my instructions for the pumpkins, and I took the pictures a year ago.... I guess it's time to share with you my passion for pumpkins.
Originally, I saw these super cute pumpkins in a boutique and they were $20-$25 a piece. Um...yikes! I decided to make my own. I went to Jo-Anns and bought their red-tag home decor fabric. I don't think I paid more than $5 a yard for fabric (and you don't need much!). I bought deep orange velvet, green and brown brocade, mustard swirls, etc. I kind of made it up as I went, so hopefully you have some "sewing knowledge" and I'll try to be as specific as I can (I am gonna apologize right now - because I'm obviously not so good with instructions!).
Okay, first step... find some fabric that makes you happy and cut 2 pieces about the same size. You can do them all different - some taller, some wider. Whatever you want. I believe that for this particular pumpkin I started with 2 pieces that were 12x14.

Take your first piece, fold right sides together and sew this - sorry I never measured to see how much I did... aren't you glad that I took pictures? Do this to both pieces, separately.

Trim off the excess fabric on both pieces - your front and your back

Open up each piece and it should look like this...

You'll need to make a stem - again you can do random sizes and colors - sew right sides together, leaving the bottom open, turn right side out, and stuff with your favorite stuffing... Place the back side of your pumpkin, right side up, place stem on top (like you see in the picture), place the front side of your pumpkin right side down, and pin your pieces together. When you sew all of these pieces together, round out the corners and make sure to leave an opening on the bottom so that you can turn your pumpkin right side out. Before you turn your pumpkin right side out, trim off the excess fabric.

Oh, look how cute! Aren't you excited???

I made little bean bags and stuffed them with rice - I'm sure you could use beans or sand or whatever else you want - to weigh the bottom of the pumpkins down. Then I put the little bags inside the bottom and handstitched the bags just inside the pumpkin, while stitching the pumpkin closed at the same time.

Then you can add bows, raffia, wire curly-q's, or whatever else you want!

Make enough to decorate your tables for Thanksgiving. I placed them in little groups up and down the table with candles and cute!

Oh man, I can't wait for fall!!!
I love these, and actually had it bookmarked last year, I think originally this was the post that lead me to your site! If I don't win, I'm going to have to make them this year for sure!
Oh how I would love to win these. With a new baby I don't seem to have the time to do all the things I have planned!
Wow! I would love to win!!
I have got to try and make these this year!! I'm going out in search of fabric on Saturday!
Or....I could win! :)
I found your blog because of this post last year as well and fell in love! I haven't been able to make them bc of $$ issues on buying a sewing machine so this would be great!
Thanks for the tutorial! Of course, winning would be really cool!
I love the pumpkins. I always get the itch to make them but wonder if they'd turn out! I'd love to win them!
Thanks for posting the instructions for these! I'm going to be on the hunt for beautiful fabric like you always seem to find.
Your talent is so abundant. Thanks for sharing it with us!
LOVE this idea!! You're so creative! I'm going to make these if I don't win. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
These are so stinkin cute!! Fall is my fav time of year...hope I win!!! :)
I love these...
Tried to make a few, not gonna lie... they didn't turn out too cute. So here's to hoping to get some cute ones.
So cute! I would love to win these to decorate my house for my daughters 3rd birthday party. She is having a pumpkin party!
Um, yeah...would Luuuve these! Hopefully I'll get lucky!
I never win blog giveaways, but I have to give it a try because these are so cute! Fall is definitely my favorite season and I love decorating for it! Thanks for all the inspiration Holly!
ps Its on my blog now too!
I love them, they are still on my list of things to make. Why does my list always get longer and not shorter?
It's in my blog!
Maybe I'll get ambitious in a few weeks. Or maybe I'll just win and won't have to get ambitious! I'll be posting you on my blog and try to win first...then think about being ambitious if I don't. :D
These are the cutest fall decorations EVER! I would love to win :).
I love these pumpkins! I tried to make them last fall, but they weren't even close to being as cute as yours. I would love to win! I'm definetely linking on my blog!
Those are so cute! They've been on my list of things to make, but I've just never gotten it done. Would love to win!
I can't wait until fall either. Maybe it's the weather that I'm getting tired of,maybe it's the feeling of the season. I don't know, but BRING IT ON. Oh, and I love you're little pumpkins. I will be making some for sure this year.
These are gorgeous~ would <3 to win one!
Holly, I love these pumpkins. Thanks for the opportunity to win and the instructions!!
Oh I would just LOVE some of these adorable little things- Hook Me UP!!!! You are so talented.
This is so weird, I was just in a upscale gift shop yesterday and saw a small pumpkin and they were asking 45 buckaroos for it...I thought to myself I can make this with Holly's instructions...and looky what I found this morning on your blog...yippee for me...on my way to JoAnns this afternoon when I pick the kiddo up from school...thanks Holly!
Such a fun tutorial. I love these! I'd love to win them even more.
I have coveted these for a very long time! Oh I hope I win!! If not, I am SO going to make these this year!! They are so cute and easy.
Love these! I bought all my fabric last year but never got around to it. I guess it's time to get it out and complete the project. Although winning one would be awesome also:)
scrappindaisy at gmail dot com
I love these! I am always impressed by the creativity I see on your blog! :)
So classy.
I'm sewing-machine-less, so I guess I gotta go for the lucky win.
blogged it! THANKS!!!
I love these! They are the cutest things to decorate with, and I love fall! I'm already wanting to decorate! :)
These are VERY cool. I wish I had more time to try it myself - guess I just hope to win them for now. Thank you for sharing all your cool ideas!
I would LOVE to win a set, because I am sure mine wouldn't turn out as cute as yours!
Too cute and very classy!
HOLLY!!! I absolutely ADORE your pumpkins!! And the first thing I imagined seeing them in is in our new house, which I am hoping we will have very soon! I LOVE THESE! They bring a smile to my face! I would love love to win them!
OH I would love these!!! I want to make some, but dang it I cant find my pedal to my sewing machine! It is in the craft room some where!
Gaaaahhh!!! These are so adorable! If only I could sew. No, seriously, I had a hard time sewing Wyatt's cub scout patches on his shirt! :c) You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. You are very sweet to give some away, Holly!
They are so cute!
soooo cute!!
holy comments batman! lol Holly you have great taste in fabrics. curious if you took the right brain/left brain quiz on fb? lol you have got to be a lot right brain sided I would think. he-he
Adorable!(says the least crafty woman on the planet)
I have put a link to your post! I sure hope I win! ~smile~
I want these. They are fabulous and would look great on my mantel but I don't think my husband would appreciate another project until his blanket is done.
Posted on my blog
Oooh!!! These a re so beautiful!!! I loved your first peek of them, and have never gotten around to making my own. Thanks so much for the chance to win some - I would absolutely love to have some in my home - they are lovely!!!
Sara :)
These are just FAB U LOUS! I'd love to win then I wouldn't have to try to make them. lol
It must not have been the Brimhall reunion because I would have totally bid on them! I want to be included in the drawing! Pick Me, Pick me!
Holly - I would love to win some, shucks, even one pumpkin. I LOVE pumpkins and hunt like crazy for different ones to add to my collection each year. If I could sew a lick I would have after drooling over them on your post last year - but alas, I am sewing machine challenged.
Oooo I need to win these! Ours were not nearly as cute... :) I'm gonna put it on my blog too!
Would love some of your craftiness!!
Oh holly, you know you want to give these to know it.. you know know it..Please pick me :)
Absolutely beautiful! I think they're actually quite elegant, as pumpkins go. You've got me in the mood for fall now. (if that's possible when it's 114 degrees outside) Thanks for sharing your talents.
Oh so cute! Fall is my favorite time of year. I can't wait to get all my decorations out. These will make the perfect addition.
I adore these!!Would love to be chosen!
I really want to have these. I was going to try and make them this year but not making them and winning them would be even BETTER! Thanks for reposting this. How about reposting your decorating skills in your house? Pretty please.
Thanks Holly for posting this, and even better yet, for doing a giveaway! How fun!!
I would love to win pumkins. I have no time to sew these days and this would be a great surprise for "our pumpkin" when she ifnally gets out of ICU. Thay are so fun.
Oh HOLLY!! I hope I win :) I got together with my mom and sister and the ONE pumpkin I made didn't turn out!! haha. I said I was trying again this year.
Really, you should make a bunch and put them on ETSY!
Your talents amaze me!
I love decorating for fall. I remember this post from last year, would love to win some.
Those are SO cute! I have meant to make some for a very long time, but none as cute as those. Maybe if I win them, I will be pushed to make some to give away. You can think of it as a Pay It Forward! LOL!
Seriously, they are ADORABLE!!!!
I LOVE these pumpkins! I will definately make some, but winning would be fun!
too cute!!
Holly Dolly, I love how talented you are! Love those gorgeous kids, thanks for letting them come to the reunion, the were so fun to watch with the others. On the last day, when Grandma Kathy had left, she was quite upset...ready to cry, when I asked her what was wrong she said, I need my Grandma...She's gone, can I do something to help you...then she asked the Best question I have ever heard..."Is it okay if I eat a piece of my candy" many kids ask for permission? I told her it was probably okay if it would make her feel happier. SORRY, but what is Aunt Candy to do?
Hi Holly! These are the cutest pumpkins I've ever seen!
I remember when you first posted about these. So cute! I'd love to win, but if not I think I might have to make some this fall. I've got the perfect spot to display them.
I loved these and bought everything to make them last year...and of course didn't!!!
These are BEAUTIFUL!!! I am excited for Fall too - my favorite time of the year.
I would love to win some of your pumpkins. They are so cute!
I LOVE your pumpkins! They are so cute!
I love these pumpkins and have thought about making them several times!!! I would love to win some specially made by you!
I love your blog, and the pumpkins are so cute! Please enter me in your drawing.
I've posted a link to these lovelies on my blog :) You can visit here - Thanks for the chance to win - they are beautiful!
Hi Holly! I too had bookmarked these last year. I would love to see the pics of those again too. I would love even more to win these!
these are absolutely darling! thanks for the instructions!
I want in!!
Please sign me up!
Cross my fingers...I love them! Krystal got me hooked on these, and you got her your talent is contagious! Great to meet you in person. I always hear about you and how talented at EVERYtHING you are.
I'm "pumped" for some pumpkins!
I love the first time you shared these with us in blog world....I am on the look out for fabric to make them this year....
those are absolutely darling! i may have to try to make them (or it would be even better to win them) thanks for sharing your talents!
Wow - how fun, I would love to win! Thanks for giving some away :)
Thank you SO much for posting!!! I had bookmarked these last year and never got around to it. So excited about the give away, I hope I win, your pumpkins are GORGEOUS!!
love these pumpkins! I say I am going to make some of these little cuties every year but never seem to get to it. Maybe I'll win some!
Thank you for the chance to win.
I love these!! They are just too cute! I love Fall, too... for many of the same reasons you do. =} I have put a link to your site on my photo blog. I hope I win these...they would look so cute in my house. =}
Thanks Holly!
These are adorable! I hope I win!
You know it. Sign me up! And if I don't win... I just got a new sewing machine. But for luck, I'm sending all my good vibes out into the cosmos. :)
I put a link on my blog :)
I totally blog stalked and saw these a year ago on your blog..I sniched the idea for my enrichment meeting!They were a huge success THANK YOU..very much!!!But I helped everybody else make theirs...never got mine done. can you believe it? So I'd love it very much if you would make mine! oooh oooh pick me, pick me! :)
I wish..., these are so cute!
Thanks for the chance to win.
So cute! These would look wonderful on my mantel :) Thanks for the giveaway, Holly!
Love, love, love these! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love them! I will for sure make them this year! (if I don't win!!) Here comes fall.... YAY!
Holly - I've admired these for the past 2 years and this year I'm finally going to make some for my husband's aunt as a hostess gift. I'd love to win some for myself though too! We started homeschooling our DD this year & am going to incorporate this project into her curriculum for "art". I know she'll love it! Thanks for the instructions! Hope I can find some fabric as pretty as yours!
Your pumpkins are by far my favorite..I tried my hand at a few but they werent as ADORABLE as yours!!! Check out the pictures on my blog!!
Thanks for posting again (and for a chance to win some made by you - even better!).
So super cute! I would love to win!
LOVE them!!! Thanks for leaving the instructions...they look so fun, and are a great idea for Super Saturday!! Would love to win them to show the sisters how they should really look!
Thanks for the instructions. I love getting inspiration from others. I'm a very visual learner so wouldn't that be awesome to win a pumpkin that I could then SEE to duplicate!
i want these oh so bad...apparently like everyone else who reads your blog.
i've thought about making them but i know they would not be nearly as cute!
I linked you too!!
Since there is no real fall in Arizona, I need pumpkins that won't melt!
As always - cute, cute stuff, Holly! Appreciate you sharing.
Here's a link to my blog with 'em on it:
Oh my goodness. These pumpkins are so cute. Thanks for the chance to win.
I just came across your blog after Robyn mentioned how cute your pumpkins are. And are they ever!!! Super cute! If you want to check out my blog (its private), let me know and I'll leave you an invite. Again, cute, cute!
Last year I bought the fabris with every intention of making them. But since its still august I have no excuse now. I am glad you posted them again.
Super cute. I saw your blog from a friends blog who posted about a photo workshop. Ever since then I like to look at your up coming events.
I LoVe the pumpkins! I'm doing my daughters wedding right now and these pumpkins would look spectacular with our decorations! I neeeeeed to win them!
crazy good- the textures are unbelievable. love your taste!
These are absolutely adorable. Love reading your blog. You have such wonderful ideas:)
Love the pumpkins- I made some last year and want to make more this year! Thanks for such a cute idea!!!!
Wow! So cute. Makes me want to learn to sew and buy a sewing machine! Ever thought of selling them? :)
can't i just buy some of these from you? :) i'm serious! :)
Holly you really are AMAZING! I wish you could decorate everything in my life! I would love to hire you to do everything from decorating my house to helping me shop for clothes - you have the BEST taste! Hope you guys are doing great these days! I would love to add you to my blog - send me an email with your email address if you get a chance and I will add you :)
Love, Megan Hill
P.S. LOVE the pumpkins!
I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog!! I will be featuring these tomorrow!! What a darling idea.
I looks like your image are copyrighted. I would love to feature you if you would send me the photo of your pumpkins on the mantel. If you're interested, just email them to ucreatecrafts {at} gmail {dot} com. THANKS!
Super cute! I too love fall decor the best!
i just stumbled upon your blog and I sure am glad I did! THese pillows are absolutely darling!!
Can't wait to make a few!
I found your blog on the idea room blog and I just love the pumpkins, they are so cute! I would love to win the box of pumpkins!!
I have a perfect place for some "pumpkin goodness!" Maybe I will win some!
I hope I win because there is no way I could make these on my own!!
Thanks for reposting them!!
loved these last year, love them even more this year! and i would love them even more if i won them!
pick me pick me!!! :-) I love these adorable things. you are so talented!
SO glad you re-posted this! I'm going to make some with my mom! But I think they'd make great gifts!
(jfreehardt at yahoo dot com)
what a cute idea! i love them! so simple and classy
These are so cute! I'm going to give them a try!
I adore these and I've linked to you (but without your pics--noticed they were copyrighted.)
Oh my goodness I want a box of those to...but heck I would settle for one itty bitty one just to smile at everynight when I get home...please pick me!
BEAUTIFUL PUMPKINS! I would love to WIN! I've been wanting to make pumpkins this fall! Thank you! I have posted you on my blog also!
Wow, these are so cool! I would love to photo link to them if you didn't mind.
WOW! I* would lovvvee to win these!
Such a cute idea!!! I'd love to have some of these cuties in my home. I'll try winning them first. If that doesn't pan out, I'm definitely making some.
Oh I hope I win!!
I saw these on the idea room and followed the link here, very cute pumpkins - I love fall too. Hope I am the winner :D
Just added a link on my blog...
Oh these are wonderful!!!!! I loooove pumpkins and everything fall!!! I would love to entered please!!!
These are soooo fun! I need to make me some real soon, maybe even today.
I found your blog and I love your cute ideas and these pumpkins! Simply adorable.
Hope I made it in time!! count me in the are super cute!! annemolino at hotmail dot com
Super cute!! I hope to have some at my home.
My home would be perfect for your cute pumpkins!! Off to explore your blog!!
Oh these are so cute. I am going to try to make some. Thanks for the post.
These are adorable!
If I win these, we can use them for our upcoming ladies fall retreat to support our church camp.
I will try some on my own, but I would love, love, LOVE some made from you!
Pick me! Pick me! I need some of those lovelies on my mantle.
So So cute! I can't wait for fall and I need these in my house!
I have had your site bookmarked for almost a year so that I would remember to make these this year! Would love to win some though!
I love these pumpkins, they will be so easy and fun to make. I had made some a few years ago with a different and a bit harder pattern, these will be a breeze! Thank you, I can hardly wait to make them not only for me but for my girls too!
Oooh, they would look just lovely in our home. I hope I win!! especially since I don't sew that much!
I LOVE, LOVE these pumpkins and have had them bookmarked forever (along with your adorable spool dolls!) but I've never gotten around to making them and I'm sure they wouldn't be as cute as yours anyway!
I absolutely adore your pumpkins and have been waiting impatiently for fall to arrive. Is it too soon to start decorating for fall, never in my house! At least I know if I don't win I can still whip up a few of these for myself! Thank you for the tute!
Love your pumpkins! I have you on my blog and would love to show a picture! Can I get permission to use your picture.
Can yoyu email me at
Thanks for yout talents and inspriation!
Have a Great Weekend!
I am so glad you posted this again! I saved it in my favorites for my "things to do" craft list but when I came back to it, it was gone :( I'm willing to make them but if I can win some - even better!!!!
I would love them :) totally...
Ooooh! I just love these pumpkins. I'm going to have to try to make them. I know that my sister and I would love them as part of our Fall decor.
Great job!
tierralowry at
Since I have no idea when this giveaway ends I'll just say that I love the tutorial.
I blogged about the tutorial and giveaway. If anything, the tutorial is worth it.
tierralowry at
great gourds!!!
Very cute idea!
These are SO cute! I have never seen anything like it! Fall is my FAVORITE season! I would so love to win these to add to my fall decoration collection.
Oh Holly anything from you would be a joy! I love your pumpkins! Please pick me!
Oh Please, oh please, oh please, oh please!!
Those are so cute. I've been meaning to make them. But my machine is down. :(
I love thesee pumkins!! They are so fun and cute!! Hopfully I can win!
Wow I just found your blog and I absolutely love those pumpkins. I don't know how to sew but have always wanted to learn and this seems like a pretty easy first project. If I don't win them I will have to give it a try.
Holly these babies are what brought me to your blog a year ago, I hope I win!
I hope I win because if I don't I'll make some myself and they won't be near as cute
These are adorable! And easy enough for a beginner sewer like me :) Thanks for sharing!
These are SO cute! I would love to make some but work full-time and don't have time :( Pick me! I put a link up on my blog!
Pick me, pick me, I loveeeeeee.....your .....pumpkins!! :)
super, super cute!! I would probably screw it up so I need to win one!! ha ha ha!!! ;)
I would LOVE to win. I just realized that I need more fall decorations and these would be perfect. :)
I would love to win some pumpkins! And while we are at it, I would love for you to put more stuff on your craft blog :)
I adore these pumpkins and would love to win them. I'm looking forward to your workshop this weekend!
So cute....just came across your blog ( know how it goes). Anyway, really cute pumpkins!
I am so ready for fall! I LOVE these pumpkins. I hope I win!
I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures and creativity. Thank you for the tutorial of the pumpkins. If I don't win, I may be trying to make them with my daughter. Thank you!!
I want to win these so bad. If only the new baby would let me make some of my own.
I LOVE your Pumpkins. They are so Dang cute! Thanks for sharing your many talents with us.
oh these pumpkins are just so stinkin cute! i would love to add these to my fall decorations!! Hope i win....but if not, thanks for posting the instructions on how to make them, so i can give them a shot! :)
I would love some Holly originals! They would look adorable on my mantle or on my desk at school. ~Kim
love them! adorable. thanks.
I was thinking these would be fun to make for our super saturday! Thanks for sharing, I'd love to win!
Oh man, I would love to have the time to make these. Ever since you first posted your instructions, I've been wanting to make my own! Having some made from you would be lovely :)
I.LOVE.THESE!!! I am on the lookout for some cute fabric to make some...unless I can have you do the work for me! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Love them and would love to win them!
Would love these, so so cute!
It's just me Holly...but if I am chosen, I'll cry with joy. If not then I'll look at the feeble attempt I have made in creating some for myself...
Love you.
Love the Pumpkins. My sister and I are getting together this week to make some. I am super excited!!! I want to find some amazing fabric. Yours are so beautiful! Hope I can win some though that would be awesome! So sad I am not going to your workshop in Utah. I have been dying to go, but my husband has been out of work for a while and I just don't feel right about spending the money right now. I not trying to tell you a sob story, I just hope that you will do another one in Utah sometime in the near future. Hopefully we will be in a better place by then and I can come. I love reading your blog. You are such an insperation to me. I love reading all of your LDS related thoughts, they are so uplifting to hear. Sorry this turned into a book, but I do love reading your blog, thanks for letting all of us that don't know you be a tiny part of your life.
It would be so awesome to win these, thanks for the oppertunity!!
I am not a big sewing person but I think I may have to give these a try and would LOVE to win them.
OH OH I want to win the pumpkins!!!
I would love a chance for the pumpkins!
I blogged about these and used a pic from someone else who created them after being inspired by you! I also created my own version of these cuties!
What? Giveaway, how did I miss that post. Here's crossing my fingers.
I'd love a chance to win these pumpkins! I use these colors in my home year round because I just simply can never wait for Fall! These are so adorable. Also, thanks so much for sharing how to make these. Makes me wish for a sewing machine for Christmas!
I LOVE your pumpkins! If I win, I will not have you send them to Switzerland. My Mom can hold on them until I move home :)
Thanks for the step by step. You are so awesome!
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