Hi! I'm Holly Brimhall, a newborn photographer in Gilbert, AZ. I am the mother of 4 and a lover of ALL things baby. This blog is where I share the life of my family and favorite pictures of my newborn photography sessions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Savannah's Baptism Photoshoot

2 1/2 months ago our sweet Savannah Mae was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It really was SUCH a special day! A month before her big day, we went out for a "little" photoshoot in her baptism dress. We seriously had the best time...the boys were all gone on a fathers/sons campout...and we were living it up that day with pedicures and manicures, the photoshoot, dinner at Cheesecake Factory. It was the best!

I love this little necklace that I had custom made for her with her name and the little charm (which you can't see very well that says "CTR" - choose the right).

I kind of had a little infatuation with her shoes...

She found this random little flower on the ground and her goofiness decided to take over. Ha ha! I seriously love the heck out of her!

We decided to see if we could make it down to the river for some pictures before running out of light. It really wasn't worth the drive

I swear I took a hundred pictures. She's just so easy to take pictures of! She changed her clothes in the car and we headed over to Cheesecake Factory, windows rolled down, wind whipping through our hair, singing Taylor Swift songs on the top of our lungs. Good, good times!


Heather 2:10 PM  

Where did you have the necklace made? It's gorgeous!

Holly 6:14 PM  

Heather, there is a local lady who makes the most amazing jewelry! Here's a link to her blog: http://vestigejewelry.blogspot.com/

Marlene 6:56 PM  

Wow, just beautiful!

Lacey 2:50 PM  

Oh wow-ee! My oldest is getting ready to be baptized this next month. She will be 8 September 3rd! I swear, if we had stayed CBS my E and your S would be great friends! Bummer...;)

I love her dress and accessories. I've had the hardest time finding white shoes. Where did you get these?

The whole shoot is simple fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

Kristal 9:53 AM  

just like our 8 year girls trip...I'm a year behind on taking baptism pictures, and for months...ok, seriously months because I started before I had Vivvy (6 months ago) I put her dress out and say, after church today we're going to go and take some baptism pictures. Um, I SUCK! These are adorable and inspiring. Maybe next week we'll do ours. haha. oh, and I LOVE the necklace and her hair! I wish Kam's hair would hold a single curl. It's too heavy. ugh!

Carol 9:07 PM  

Hi Holly. I attended your picture life workshop a few years ago and I can't begin to tell you how much it has helped me. I'm still struggling with my color though and wondered if you could tell me what you do to get your white balance right each time and for each session. My email is azstephens@gmail.com. I would appreciate any help.

Carol Stephens

Stacy T 11:32 PM  

Seriously, these are the most beautiful pictures. Both because of their significance to her young life and because of the undeniable mother daughter bond you share. Simply beautiful!!

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